To become Miss America’s Outstanding Teen, a candidate must first compete to represent her state, a process requiring personal commitment, hard work and talent. To compete in the Miss America’s Outstanding Teen program, you need commitment, perseverance, talent and ambition.
To compete you must:
Miss America’s Teen 14-17 – must be 14 by state competition and no older than 17 at state competition.
Be a United States citizen.
Meet residency requirements for competing in a certain town or state.
Meet character criteria as set forth by the Miss America’s Teen Organization.
Be in reasonably good health to meet the job requirements.
Be able to meet the time commitment and responsibilities as set forth by the local program in which you compete.
Must not be eligible to compete in the Miss America Competition.
At - Large Titles are available, please contact Kay Cagle.
If you are interested in receiving more information about becoming a candidate in the Miss America’s Teen program, please visit the Local Competitions Page to select a Local Competition to compete in.